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Exporting Orders to Excel or Quicken

CentralLink has the ability to export your orders to Excel or Quicken.  There are two types of exporting available:  order summary and order details.  By using both these exports, you can integrate your business with Central States with other systems that you use to manage your business.  Isn’t that the point of all this technology; integrations, efficiency, and making life easier?

Exporting Order Summary

This allows you to export the header information (summary) for a date range of orders.  This is designed for integrations with Quicken.  It’s pretty simple and easy to understand.

  • From the dashboard,
  • click on the order menu,
  • click on export orders.



Exporting Order Details

This allows you to export the line by line details of a specific order.  This is not available for a date range, but it is done by clicking on an individual order.  This is available to export to excel, and from there it can be imported to any other program you need that allows for a .csv upload.

  • from the dashboard,
  • click on “View Orders”,
  • find the order you want to export
  • click “Save as Excel.”